
Monday, August 24, 2015

Bangladeshi village farmers

Poultry farmers
Poultry farming is a very familiar sector in Bangladesh. The Bangladeshi village farmers have shown their mentionable activity in this sector. There is not so much difficulties to run a poultry farm. It only takes a hard labor and attention to keep a poultry farm running. Many village families have changed their economical condition by starting a poultry farm.

Dairy farmers
Dairy farm is one of the old farming in Bangladesh. From the very beginning Bangladeshi village farmers used to keep up cows and goats as domestic animals. They also used the cow to plough their land for cultivation. But now the government and some NGOs are inspiring village farmers to keep high quality cows and goats and as a result they are able to change their life style by the profits that come from the dairies.

Nursery farmers
“Plant trees – save the world” – this is the slogan to save the environment as well as to save the country. Unplanned tree cuts, rapidly growing population, cutting trees to establish factories and housings all these are pushing the country at a risk of natural disaster as well as global worming. To prevent these types of disasters it needs to plant more and more trees. So some Bangladeshi village farmers have found this new sector as an important project. They produce various types of plants commercially and sell them. A lot of people are involved in this sector.

So long I have discussed about the Bangladeshi village farmers. I hope that next time I will discuss about their lifestyle. Till then… take care.

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